The Foundation of all that is created at The Center is Based on The F.I. X. Code Technique

With Stacey and The Creator and Founder Daniel
Upon purchase of this package, you will receive the online training and be registered for the upcoming 10 Week Live Intensive. You will receive all the information and zoom links. Please come prepared and have Module 1 of the online training complete.
Please book your 8 Private sessions via the schedule link sent in your Welcome email.
Free Offer
Let's F.I.X. Decisions takes the Technique to the next level
This NEW online training includes cutting edge information about what decisions are how they impact our lives.
Daniel the Creator & Founder will be teaching HOW to use the F.I.X. Code Technique through decisions to manipulate habits and change the primal programming. The results are astounding. ( pe-requisite- online training and weekend retreat package)
Coming soon

Manifest with The F.I.X. Code
The Protocol To Making A Wish is designed to remove all the blocks and feelings that are stopping you from reaching your goals and the life you desire.
4 Module course that includes 1 Private session to remove one block that is stopping you for attaining your dreams.
Coming Soon