About us

The F.I.X. Code  Academy has been created to help Healers, Practitioners, Life Coaches, and Therapists learn this advanced technique that will have an impact on themselves and their clients.


 We believe the way our world feels matters.


Experience The Technique for yourself

How we work is as important as what we do. 

You can have a positive impact on your community and clients when you learn this advanced yet simple, healing technique.

Who We Are

We are The F.I.X. Code Academy  with a global mission. We promote self-empowerment through the teaching and transfer of knowledge of this proven technique. With our unique healing tool, our clients guide their own progress as their life shifts. This is beneficial support of mental health.

Our Story

Founded in 2010 by Daniel Flear and Stacey Nye, The F.I.X. Code Learning Centre was born from the belief that teaching and sharing this advanced healing technique with the world will help humanity heal. 

This is the game-changer that can bring peace to your life. 

Why this Matters

We have been given our purpose–to heal and serve those whose lives we touch. You have been guided to this site on purpose.

This technique is "that" special tool you have been wanting to implement into your existing practice. Once introduced, your clients will request the F.I.X. Code.

If you haven't tried the F.I.X. Code yet, book a  session.

Book A Complimentary Session

About the Team

Daniel Flear

The Flear. Intuitive . Xtraction.

Creator of the F.I.X Code Technique

Founder of Ancient Gene Technologies

Co-Founder of The F.I.X. Code Centre of Learning and Healing

Daniel's life's work is now being taught all over the world in a dynamic, creative online training.

His personal mission is to continue creating new content about healing to transfer to influencers who already think outside the box.

'Look for the Good. Because It's everywhere."

Daniel's Bio

Stacey Nye

Leading Expert and Master Trainer of The F.I.X. Code Technique

Co-Founder of The F.I.X. Code Centre of Learning and Healing

Vice President and Director of the Center of Learning

Stacey's expertise in organizing large events like the Olympics means she understands the direction of the Centre and what is needed to fulfill its mission. She remembers everything.

"Luckiest girl in the world"

Stacey's Bio

Cory Stickley

AUTHOR OF "The F.I.X. Code–The Found Secret to Fixing my Life" Accepting the Past, Embracing the Future and Living for Now

This  book engages you in her journey with the F.I.X. Code which healed her burnout, and removed her life-long fear of writing. She examines some common codes that can be easily fixed. Available on Amazon.

Find her writing on social media, blogs and websites.

"You're not the boss of me."

The F.I.X. Code Book